Monday, September 20, 2010

Digital Photography - Tips for Smart Family History for recording and storing

Recently, my friends, family home burned to. Tragic as it had insurance cover almost everything. But there were some things that money can not replace easily. Like the antique furniture passed down from family. Like an emerald ring from his great, great grandmother. And photography, beautiful view of the generations in action. time capsules of the past, our family roots.

These are some of our most precious possession, ifnot the most important! My mom says that friends really what is lacking is the all who lost family photos.

Let's rethink the way we do for our photography. Looking at it from a new perspective, one that gives the correct meaning of this family fortune. There are many things we do to ensure high quality images for future generations.

First of all the highest quality setting the camera has to offer. Megapixel moreshoot your picture will be better when enlarged. Although today loves 8x10 in 211 years is you can do 20 "x 24". Shooting with the highest possible resolution even more flexible editing photos. You can crop and enlarge as well as a better image without making up the image pixilated.

Durable high quality paper and inks used. In the implementation of photo albums, always use archival quality materials. In addition, the displayPhotos in the greenhouse and out of direct sunlight in order to protect them from fading.

You do not want your camera to record the family fortune. Today, there are several compact and ultra-compact point and shoot cameras available, the approach of the quality of digital SLR cameras.

These small new cameras from Casio, Nikon, Canon, Olympus and other companies 7-9 megapixels and sports bag fits perfectly into a purse o. Many of the features are the samethose offered to their larger size. If you have an older digital camera, replace it immediately with an at least 7MP your ancestors will thank you and you will notice the difference.

Save the photo. Cancel a scan on Saturday and every photo that you own, even on the wall. These images are there, a house to house. Drag all your old negatives and get them into the computer and receive it immediately. Are too important to deteriorate,somewhere in the house. As you are with your family art framed carefully disassemble your photo albums and scan those. The next time you visit a relative, call ahead and ask if you can bring your photo scanner that scans, and some family photos while you are there.

If something happens to the pictures of her, would, will share their memories with a simple call. Also, give them a CD with pictures of the family that you want to capture SaturdayKeep as a backup for you just in case.

Once your photo collection together, a photo-sharing site such as SmugMug, which allows you to upload all the photos you have, has no limits. Once you have your private gallery will be uploaded on its own web address on the Internet (eg, family members can order copies online at any time and any size they want. You can also order a burned CD of all photos and have them delivered. Once your familyImages in a few places is very intelligent.

Compare providers of photo-sharing. Many are free, such as Kodak EasyShare, and some are not, should compare all the different properties.

Take your camera with you wherever you go. Bring it and use it. Take it with children and sports scouting, and begin to participate in the activities. The only thing more tragic than the loss of love yourself a picture, missing the strike started. It's not like you have to payfor film and developing more. Shoot it up!

books read to learn about photography, here are some suggestions and will really improve your photos, which can be enjoyed for generations to come.

Your family photos on a regular basis with professionalism. Every photographer has his own style from you. It 's always good to spread the interpretation of other artists in your family photo collection. It makes it richer and moreinteresting.

Get a new photo viewer, like the Archos AV500 with a 100 GB hard drive. Store all the family photos on it and when you visit the family can put your photos on the built-in screen or hook it to your TV, you can enjoy looking for a show at all. Then the photo file sharing. Download the file on your computer and download their pictures on the Archos.

A photo of the photographer at the lookout point in Vail, Colorado, yourskiing together as a family is $ 35.00. The same photo, 20 years from now framed on the wall, is worth more than money! In the long-term investment in the services of professional photography is worth it.

Instead of washing cars on Saturday to take control of your photos. It 's really important. Our pictures are our most precious family heirlooms. great photo increases your family heritage.

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